Nicole Richie is the undisputed queen of the bohemian chic look

Nicole wears a show-stopping ensemble centered on an extraordinarily novel dress that is just her speed. It has a lot going for it: a one shoulder sleeve, a jagged uneven bottom, a gorgeous intricate yet sprawling print and a lovely purple, deep orange and light blue color scheme. A dress just like this one is next to impossible to find, especially on a budget, however we’ve scoured the web to find you an alternative that is both recession-friendly and stylish.

The Carolina Chiffon Dress from delia*s has a similar color scheme, bohemian style print and fabric type to Nicole’s dress. The self-tie can be removed to give it a straight line like hers as well. Unlike Nicole’s dress, this dress has gathered sleeves on both sides that hit around the elbows, however for the more crafty fashion mavens, the length and style of the sleeves can certainly be altered. The dress rings up at only $31.99.

